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Arts d'Orient & de l'Inde - Tauzin Collection, three generations of enthusiasts.

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277 results
Lot 54

Iran, mid-5th century AD

Circular silver dish resting on an annular pedestal, engraved with a horse king (Peroz?) facing a lion with a spear. The scene takes place in the...
Lot 2

ou Lettres d'un des captifs qui viennent d'être rachetés par MM. les Chanoines réguliers de la Sainte-Trinité. Suivies d'une notice sur leur rachat, et du catalogue de leurs noms. Paris, Guillot, 1785.

In-12 demi-basane rouge, dos lisse fileté or, titre doré (reliure XIXe s.). Édition originale de ce récit d'un captif demeuré anonyme. Ces lettres ne...
Lot 3

Voyage pittoresque dans la Régence d'Alger exécuté en 1833 par Ch. Motte d'après les dessins de Lessore et Wyld. réédition en bibliophilie réalisée par Fernand Pouillon à Paris, Le Jardin de Flore, 1979.

Grand in-folio (50 x 35 cm), 20 pages de texte pour la description des planches et 50 gravures en double tirage dont quelques uns entièrement coloriés...
Lot 6

El Moghreb al Aksa. Une Mission belge au Maroc. Bruxelles, Lacomblez, 1893.

In-8 demi-maroquin havane, dos à cinq nerfs et caissons à froid, tête dorée, non rogné, couverture et dos en vélin translucide conservés. N°6 des 10...
Lot 7

La Ville de Rabat jusqu'au protectorat. Histoire et archéologie. Paris, Éditions d'Art et d'Histoire, 1949.

3 tomes reliés en 2 vol. in-4 maroquin vert, dos à 5 nerfs orné, plats estampés à froid de rosaces et encadrement de motifs orientaux dorés, 596-12 pp...
Lot 8

Personnalités et familles françaises d'Afrique du Nord. Maroc 1533-1814. Paris, S.G.A.F., 1948.

In-4, de xiii-277 pp., br., couv. rempl. Tirage limité à 975 ex. num. Mouillures. On y joint du même auteur : Les captifs français du Maroc au XVIIe...
Lot 10

D'après Jodocus Hondius l'Ancien (1563-1612)

Originellement publiée dans l'atlas de Mercator en 1606. En haut à gauche se trouve un encart de Penon de Velez de la Gomera, l'enclave espagnole sur...
Lot 11

Oran. Étude de géographie et d'histoire urbaines. Paris, F. Alcan, 1938.

Petit in-4, broché, couv. imprimée. 509 pp. avec de nombreuses cartes et plans dépliants dont une grande carte en couleurs de la ville d'Oran et 18...
Lot 12

Villes et campagnes d'Algérie. Bruxelles, Imp. Nationale, 1958.

In-4, en ff., couv. imprimée rempliée, sous chemise et étui. 54 eaux-fortes originales protégées par des serpentes dont 9 h.-t. par J. Bersier, E...
Lot 14

Lithographed view of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, after a drawing by the painter Jean Vignaud (1775-1826) and lithographed by Barthélémy Lauvergne.

Published in the atlas of Lefebvre's Voyage en Abyssinie, executed during the years 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843... Paris, Lemercier circa 1835....
Lot 15

The Universe in Paris 1900. Al-dunya fi Baris (Letters written about the Universal Exhibition in Paris 1900).

in-8 red cloth bradel boards, title page on spine, (1) -272-10 p. and numerous photographic reproductions. With a signed autograph letter. First...
Lot 18

Catalog of the exhibition of Muslim art held under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Public Instruction, February-March 1947.

Exhibition organized in Cairo by Gaston Wiet and Hussein Rached. 36 pages in French, 47 pages in Arabic. 24 plates in black. Reunion of 152...
Lot 20

Contribution to the study of the art of embroidery in Morocco. Rabat Mohammed V University. Excerpts from Hespéris Tamuda 1967-1979.

5 articles bound in 1 vol. in-8 brown half-percaline, cover preserved (Broderies de Fès - Broderies de Tétouan - Broderies de Chefchaouen - Broderies...
Lot 24

The Mahmal and the Egyptian caravan of pilgrims to the Mecca (13th-20th centuries), Paris, 1952

In-4, half-percaline binding, 281 pages, 2 plates out of text. Rare major reference on the pilgrimage to Mecca. Jacques Jomier (1914-2008), an Arabic...
Lot 25

La Mecque et le vénérable sanctuaire de la " ka'ba " dans les récits des voyageurs musulmans de 1517 à 1900 (=de 922 à 1318 h.), La Fondation nationale " Beit Al-Hikma ", Tunis, 1989.

160 pages, 66 in Arabic, 67 in French and 26 plates. Paperback. 29 illustrations: 4 drawings, 2 plans, 15 photographs, 8 engravings Historical study...
Lot 26

La Mecque ville interdite, Editions Corrêa, Paris, 1938

In-12, bound in black half-basane, smooth spine with gilt title and author's note, 162 pages. Frontispiece portrait, 5 photographic representations...
Lot 27

Arabia, 19th-20th century

Printed pilgrimage certificate depicting the Ka'aba and its precincts, inscribed in white with the name "The al-Harâm Mosque" and two medallions...
Lot 28

Chromolithography. Signed in Arabic Bonistiou à Alger. Circa 1920

Registered design no. 144. Framed under glass. 41.5 x 32 cm Chromolithography. Signed in Arabic Bonistiou in Algeria. Circa 1920
Lot 30

The Mecca Pilgrimage. Tunis, Imprimerie française B. Borrel 1906, published after "Rouznémé Tounsié".

In-8° br; 46-(1) p., with numerous photographic reproductions and a folded map of the Hajj, showing railroads, completed and in progress, as well as...
Lot 31

Pèlerinage de La Mecque, Strasbourg, Imprimerie de Ch.Hauss, rue de l'Ail, 17, 1908.

81 pages, 1 engraving out of text, library stamps. Abbé Léonard Fischer has drawn from his seven-year stay in Constantinople (canon of Smyrna) and his...
Lot 32

Terre d'Islam, Preface by Colonel Paul Azan, Charles- Lavauzelle&Cie, éditeurs militaires, Paris, Boulevard Saint-Germain, 124, Imprimerie Heintz Frères, Oran, 1925.

In-8, full modern cloth binding, covers preserved, title page, 164 pages, plates, illustrations (portraits, maps, fold-out maps). Relation of the...
Lot 33

Rihlat Al Hijaz (The Journey to Mecca) Jumadi Al Awal 1349H, October 1930, Matba'atu Fuad, Cairo, 1930.

In-8, full cloth binding, spine with gilt title, 166 pages, 10 illustrations, title page missing. Account of the author's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1930...
Lot 35

From Dury Lane to Mecca, Being an Account of the strange Life and Adventures of Hedley Churchward (also known as Mahmoud Mobarek Churchward) an english convert to Islam, London, Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd, 1931.

248 pages, 1 frontispiece, 20 illustrations, ex libris Biography of Hedley Churchward and account of his 1910 pilgrimage to Mecca. Hedley Churchward...
Lot 36

Voyage au Hedjaz de l'émir Chakib Arslan, corrected and commented by Muhammad Rachid Rida, first edition, 1350h (=1931), ed. Matba'atu Al-Manar in Cairo.

In-8 paperback, 14-286-iv pp. Account of Chakib Arslan's pilgrimage to Mecca, dedicated to King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. A reference work for researchers...
Lot 37

Fi Manzil al-Wahy. (Pilgrimage to the Holy Places). Cairo, Dar al-Kutub al-Masriya, 1356h (1937), first edition.

672 pages, with 4 folded maps including 1 of the Hedjaz, 1 of the route between Mecca and Taif, 1 of the route between Mecca and Medina and 1 of...
Lot 38

Rihla Al Makkia 1355_1356h (The Pilgrimage to Mecca in 1937). Ed. by L'Institut Général Franco pour les recherches hispano-arabes, Tetouan, Matba'atu al-Ahrar, 1941.

In-8, paperback, 247 pages with out-of-text photographic reproductions. Spotting on cover, inside fresh. Rare account of a Spanish pilgrimage to Mecca...
Lot 39

Pèlerinage de guerre de l'Afrique du nord aux lieux saints de l'Islam. Casablanca, Imprimeries réunies de la Vigie Marocaine et du Petit Marocain, sd (1940).

In-12, 107 pp. paperback, printed cover (stained lower part with paper loss at tail of spine).
Lot 40

Al Rihla Al Muqadassa ila Beit Allah Al Haram (The Sacred Journey to the House of God), 2nd "Baghdad" edition, 1370h (1952).

In-8, 130 pages, Translated by Husseine Aouni Atta. Prefaced by Imam Al Khalissi. Société limitée de diffusion et d'éditions irakienne. A "Manasik"...
Lot 41

Le pèlerinage aux Lieux-Saints de l'Islam, Editions Baconnier, Algiers, 1954

In-4°, 120 pages including 39 in French and 33 in Arabic, 50 original photographs in black and some in color on 48 pages. The body of the text is...
Lot 42

Wafd Allah ila haramihi al-amin. Delegation to God in His Holy Places. First edition, 1955, Tunis. Published by Dar Al Kutub Al Charqiya.

In-8 paperback, illustrated cover. 32 black and white illustrations, 204 pages. Mahmud Al Baji, Tunisian magistrate and man of letters. Graduating...
Lot 43

Text and sketches. Paris, Pierre Bricage, 1957.

In-4 (24 x 29 cm), in ff., filled cover, in folder and slipcase. 100 original watercolors by Sandoz to accompany the text, including 17 off-text and...
Lot 45

Souvenirs d'une pèlerine, le hajj, la umra, la visite à Medine heure par heure, Self-published, Sfax, 1988.

Paperback, 278 pages, 3 illustrations. An account of the 1986 pilgrimage to Mecca by Samia Amar Buattour, a Tunisian writer and poet. Women's accounts...
Lot 51
Cupro-aluminum metal medal, 30mm. Obverse: Tughra of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, representation of a type of locomotive in service on the line, date 1318h...
Lot 52

The historical mosques of Saudi Arabia, edited by Longman, London, 1986.

In-4°, 208 pages. First edition in English. Numerous illustrations. Referencing and detailed studies of ancient mosques built on the current territory...
Lot 55

East, 8th-10th century

Beige and brown linen and wool, featuring a harpy emerging from a twisted vase, flanked by two orants, surrounded by eight medallions animated with...
Lot 56

Egypt, Coptic art, 5th-8th century

Weaving of beige, green and brown linen, and red and green wool, representing a wide band of human figures in various attitudes, separated by...
Lot 57

Egypt, Coptic art, 6th-8th century

Old and beautiful fragment depicting an orant near a cross. Wool and linen, noticeable missing parts, framed under glass. 22 x 22 cm ATTACHED is a...
Lot 58

Egypt, Coptic art 5th-8th century

Woven linen and wool, with animal, anthropomorphic and geometric motifs. 26 x 23 cm; diam. 13 cm; largest: 28 x 16 cm Framed under glass: 30 x 7 cm...
Lot 59

Iran, Nishapur, 10th-11th century

Of shallow rounded form on a short foot with flared rim, decorated underglaze in yellow, green and manganese on a cream ground with four birds...
Lot 61

Iran, 12th-13th century

Cast bronze, with rounded body resting on three feet, the rim flared into four main sections, with applied arched handles surmounted by shamrocks, one...
Lot 62

Probably Italy, circa 12th century

Engraved and tinted bone, cut into slabs attached to a wooden core with small steel nails. Rectangular with truncated pyramidal lid with hinged boxes...
Lot 67

Mamluk Egypt, late 14th century - early 15th century

Rectangular ivory sconce, finely carved and chiseled with an elegant thuluth script inscription in high relief against a background of delicate spiral...

Sale information

THE ORIENT IN RARE CONDITION The MILLON - Arts d'Orient, d'Afrique du Nord et de l'Inde department presents a Bordeaux collection assembled over three generations. More than 160 exceptionally well-preserved lots will be auctioned at Drouot on December 4. One family, one house, one passion Under the impetus of Georges (1863-1941), the Tauzin family cultivated a taste for the Orient and North Africa through their many travels, and passed this passion on to the next two generations. It was his son Jean-Charles who transformed their Bordeaux home. Indeed, their love of travel and taste for the arts of India, South Asia, North Africa and the Orient led them to create a life-size showcase for all the objects they had acquired, one by one. The corridors and lounges of the family home recreated the most beautiful atmospheres of the Ottoman Alhambra: stucco lace, moucharabiehs, earthenware tiles on the walls. For almost 70 years, this incredible setting sheltered a collection of 160 lots from prying eyes and bright lights, which will be presented on December 4 at Hôtel Drouot. In addition to the quality of the lots, the variety of the works on display and their provenance are sure to attract the attention of many collectors. Ceramics, furniture, carved wooden lintels, Koranic leaflets, textiles, weapons, etc., the Tauzin family was guided in its acquisitions by eminent merchants from North Africa and France; these exchanges gave rise to abundant documentation. Video presentation: A large calligrapher's chest in the finest Turkish tradition (Lot 116 - H.35cmxW.62cmxD.36cm. Estimated €4/6,000) This 18th-century chest, used by scribes as an office and storage space for their fine materials, is entirely decorated with tortoiseshell and mother-of-pearl, and illustrates the art form highly prized by the Ottoman court. The same geometric motif adorns the doors of the Baghdad Pavilion in Istanbul's Topkapi Palace. A Mamluk candlestick with a monumental inscription depicts 14th-century Cairo craftsmanship (Lot 97 - H 27cm. Est 20/40.000€) Mamluk sultans ruled the key territories of the Islamic world: Mecca, Medina or Cairo, and candlesticks were an essential part of their religious ceremonies. Made of brass, inlaid with silver, this splendid piece bears witness to the fact that it belonged to an officer of the eminent Sultan al-Nasir. The object's condition is remarkable for the absence of modern repairs. A rare Persian miniature from the royal workshop in Bukhara (Lot 125 - Album page 25x15cm. Est 4/6.000€) This gouache and gold miniature, dated 1567, is taken from a manuscript commissioned by Prince Nematullah Khalifa in 974 AH. Here again, the Tauzin family have made an enlightened selection, since this is an emblematic theme in Persian poetic works. More specifically, the anecdote of the Maghreb schoolmaster recounted in the seventh chapter of Saadi's Golestan. Tabak dish, Turkey, 16th century (Lot 100 - diameter 27.5 cm. Est 8/12.000€) The famous Iznik ceramics were named after the island of Rhodes. The bright blue, so sought-after, is recognizable. This well-preserved piece was acquired by the Tauzin family in 1944.


Hôtel Drouot, Room 1 Saturday December 2 from 11am to 6pm Monday December 4th from 11am to 12pm.

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