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22 - 26 January: three stages to find out if you own a treasure trove of Asian art

A specialist in Asia for 30 years, Maison MILLON is putting its network of auctioneers, specialists and experts at your service throughout France from 22 to 26 January. A vast operation to enable you to come and have your objects from the great civilisations of Asia appraised free of charge, close to home.

Make an appointment near you

Make an appointment now by telephone with one of the 30 appraisal offices listed below or send photos to Each of the specialists, auctioneers or MILLION experts will take the time to welcome you, listen to you and retrace the history of the object with you.


Asnières, Colombes: 06 32 33 87 10
Bordeaux: 06 43 71 82 45
Boulogne, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Saint-Cloud: 06 07 14 07 70
Brest, Lorient, Quimper: 07 83 43 46 08
Deauville: 07 82 85 58 92
Fontainebleau: 06 33 72 03 14
Lille: 06 74 87 77 95
Lyon: 06 48 07 60 65
Marseille: 04 91 81 45 95
Montreuil-sur-Mer: 06 80 87 79 49
Nice : 04 93 62 37 75
Paris Drouot: 01 47 27 95 34
Paris 7th, 17th: 06 50 48 50 96
Paris 16th: 07 78 98 12 36
Nantes, Angers, Vannes : 06 62 88 81 05
Neuilly-sur-Seine: 07 78 98 12 36
Rennes: 06 07 67 93 14
Seine-Saint-Denis: 06 02 35 65 82
Strasbourg, Mulhouse: 06 10 97 37 92
Tours, Bourges, Reims, Troyes: 06 58 37 94 70
Var: 07 68 00 20 09
Vincennes, Saint-Mandé, Levallois: 06 58 37 94 70
Yvelines: 06 89 51 29 82

From 22 to 26 January, instant expertise

Throughout the week of 22 January, MILLON's experts and Asia specialists will be on hand to respond instantly to requests relayed by all correspondents. By making an appointment by telephone with one of the thirty offices in France, or even sending a few photos, you will be able to find out (at last) what the treasures in your home are worth.


The Asia department benefits from the expertise of Jean Gauchet, a member of the Oriental Ceramic Society in London and an expert in Asian art for the Chambre européenne des experts-conseil en oeuvre d'art in Paris (CECOA).
Jean, will complete the initial estimate later today. This appraisal is free of charge and in no way obliges you to put it up for sale. Above all, it's a unique opportunity to learn more about the object you own.
How often do the men and women of MILLON hear: "I know that my great uncle often talked about this vase/tableau, but I have no idea what it's worth and now it no longer belongs in our home", or "Do you know if these porcelains have any value? because we want to redecorate our home and buy other objects. By selling this object, we could perhaps start a new collection"; and also "my grandchildren have no emotional link with these paintings. By selling them, I'll be able to give them a present that they'll keep".
The jades, bronzes, porcelains, lacquers, prints, paintings, dream stones, Buddhas and suits of armour that you present to us will be appraised immediately

An auction according to your wishes

If you decide to present the object at auction, it will then be a matter of scheduling the sale within the timeframe that best suits your needs, within the MILLON calendar. MILLON's Asian Art department organises ten auctions a year in Paris, in the Drouot district.


Driven by China's economic growth, the Asian art market is currently one of the most dynamic in the world. Works and objects from the Far East - China, Japan, Southeast Asia and Vietnam - are extremely popular with collectors, regularly fetching record prices at public auctions in Paris. Whether it's ancient art or contemporary artists from this continent...

We regularly alert our file of French and international connoisseurs about new works that are going to be presented. The principle of auctioning allows several people to compete for the same object, and this is precisely what guarantees the seller the best price for his lot.


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    17 rue de la Grange Batelière
    PARIS 75009

  • Telephone   +33(0)147279329
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Chang TaHsi


nathalie mangeot - Commissaire priseur

Nathalie MANGEOT




Other auctions in the specialities “EXTRÊME ORIENT”

Sold to €1,000,000

Sold the 2022/12/09

CHINE, Marque et Epoque Yongzheng, XVIIIe siècle

Important vase en porcelaine "Tianqiuping"
Lot 77

Sold to €290,000

Sold the 2024/04/20

Ⓟ TRAN PHUC DUYEN (1923-1993)

"Rives du fleuve" 1950
Lot 124

Sold to €235,000

Sold the 2023/12/06

★CHINE, Marque et Epoque Qianlong, XVIIIe siècle

Rare et important vase en porcelaine
Lot 243

Sold to €225,000

Sold the 2019/06/14

PHAM HAU (1903-1995) Attribué à

Important et rare cabinet en bois laqué
Lot 832

Sold to €220,000

Sold the 2022/06/24

LE VAN DE (1906-1966)

Les bords du fleuve Rouge, 1930
Lot 8

Sold to €210,000

Sold the 2019/06/14

PHAM HAU (1903-1995)

Femmes musiciennes/Female musicians, 1933
Lot 830

Sold to €200,000

Sold the 2021/05/04

LE QUOC LOC (1918-1987)

Vue d'un village, 1942
Lot 174

Sold to €200,000

Sold the 2023/10/12

PHAM HAU (1903-1995)

Rare et important paravent en laque
Lot 208.2

Sold to €175,000

Sold the 2024/06/13

CHINA, Yongzheng mark and period

Extremely rare blue-glazed "robin's egg" mallet vase
Lot 241

Sold to €175,000

Sold the 2024/06/13

CHINE, marque et époque Yongzheng

Rarissime vase maillet à glaçure bleu de type "œuf de rouge-gorge"
Lot 241

Sold to €160,000

Sold the 2022/10/31

MAI TRUNG THU (1906-1980)

Enfant endormi, 1975
Lot 163

Sold to €160,000

Sold the 2022/04/01

MAI TRUNG THU (1906-1980)

Femme assise, 1941
Lot 142

Sold to €160,000

Sold the 2019/06/14

PHAM HAU (1903-1995)

Paysage dans une forêt/ Landscape in a Forest, 1940-45
Lot 834

Sold to €140,000

Sold the 2022/06/24

MAI TRUNG THU (1906-1980)

La rencontre, 1974
Lot 5

Sold to €140,000

Sold the 2023/10/12

VIETNAM, Ecole des Beaux-Arts de l'Indochine, XXe siècle

Paravent à six feuilles en laque de Coromandel
Lot 195

Sold to €131,000

Sold the 2020/12/08

CHINE, dynastie Tang

Statuette en bronze doré
Lot 18

Sold to €120,000

Sold the 2020/12/08

CHINE, XIXe siècle

Deux divinités bronze partiellement laqué doré
Lot 109

Sold to €112,000

Sold the 2019/06/14


Important vase impérial en porcelaine
Lot 679

Sold to €105,000

Sold the 2020/12/08

*CHINE, Marque et époque Qianlong, XVIIIe siècle

Grand brûle-parfum tripode en bronze
Lot 4

Sold to €105,000

Sold the 2022/12/09

*CHINE, Epoque Ming, XVIIe siècle

Important fauteuil en bois de Huanghuali sculpté
Lot 285

Sold to €90,000

Sold the 2019/06/14

PHAM HAU (1903-1995)

La pagode Thay/ Thay Pagoda
Lot 831

Sold to €90,000

Sold the 2023/10/12

ALIX de FAUTEREAU ( portera par la suite le nom de Alix Aymé en 1931, 1894-1989)

"Jeune vietnamienne aux fleurs de lotus", vers 1925-1930
Lot 113

Sold to €80,000

Sold the 2022/06/24

TRAN PHUC DUYEN (1923-1993)

La pagode thay
Lot 18

Sold to €78,000

Sold the 2019/06/14


Assiette en porcelaine
Lot 680

Sold to €72,000

Sold the 2022/06/24

MAI TRUNG THU (1906-1980)

L'enfant studieux , 1976
Lot 6

Sold to €70,000

Sold the 2022/10/31

VIETNAM, Dynastie Nguyễn, règne de l'Empereur Duy Tân (1907-1916)

Rare médaille "Kim bài" en or*
Lot 99

Sold to €70,000

Sold the 2019/06/14

PHAM HAU (1903-1995)

Poisson Rouge avec l'abondance / Goldfish of Abundance, 1940s
Lot 833

Sold to €63,000

Sold the 2024/04/20

Ⓟ VICTOR TARDIEU (1870-1937)

"Le thé au jardin"
Lot 107

Sold to €59,000

Sold the 2022/10/31


Ensemble de trois assiettes en porcelaine Blue de Hué
Lot 22

Sold to €58,000

Sold the 2023/10/12

MAI TRUNG THU (1906- 1980)

"La boxe", 1955
Lot 165

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