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Solidarity sale: SPORT in aid of ACADIA

Online sale

Wed 15 Nov - Sat 25 Nov 202310H00 - 18H00


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28 results
Lot 2

Autographe authentique de l'athlète

médaillé d'or au saut en hauteur lors des Jeux Olympiques de Mexico en 1968 avec un saut à 2m24. Photo noire et blanc. Dimensions 13 x 18 cm dans un...
Lot 3

Tee shirt de l'équipe de France

avec l'autographe authentique du gymnaste médaillé d'or lors des Championnats d'Europe 2013 à Moscou, de bronze aux Championnats du Monde 2019 à...
Lot 4

Maillot d'entrainement

avec l'autographe authentique du joueur porté sous les couleurs du Racing 92 finaliste de la Coupe d'Europe en 2020 et vainqueur du Tournoi des six...
Lot 5

Maillot avec l'autographe authentique du pilote

porté sous les couleurs du Team Beta OxMoto pour la saison 2021-2022 du championnat du monde d'enduro, il sera un pilote du Top 10 Mondial entre 2010...
Lot 7

Ensemble complet Maillot et pantalon avec l'autographe authentique du pilote

porté sous les couleurs du Team RED BULL KTM pour la saison 2021-2022 du championnat de france des courses sur sable. Il terminera 9ème de l...
Lot 9

Veste d'escrime portée par l'épéiste lors de compétitions entre 2018 et 2019.

Elle remporte de nombreuses médailles d'or en individuel et par équipes aux Championnats d'europe et Championnats de France et décroche une victoire...
Lot 10

Maillot avec les autographes authentiques des joueurs de l'équipe

pour la saison 2022-2023 du championnat de France de TOP 14. Offert par Kélian GALLETIER. Maillot réplica. Marque Adidas. Taille L. Fabriqué en Chine
Lot 12

Bonnet de bain de l'équipe de France

avec l'autographe authentique de la nageuse multiple Championne de France et médaille d'or aux Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse à Singapour en 2010 dans...
Lot 13

Paire de crampons avec l'autographe authentique du joueur

portée avec le Stade toulousain, il sera Champion de France en 2019, 2021 et 2023 avec son club. Marque Adidas. Taille 46. On y joint également une...
Lot 16

Tee-shirt de l'équipe de France avec l'autographe authentique de la gymnaste,

médaille de bronze aux Championnats d'Europe de gymnastique 2022 dans l'épreuve du saut de cheval. Marque ERREA. Taille XXS.
Lot 18

Ensemble comportant un polo et un sweat-shirt de l'athlète

avec l'équipe Suisse de Ski Cross. Il sera médaille d'argent aux Jeux Olympiques de Pyeongchang 2018 dans l'épreuve de skicross. Marque Descente pour...
Lot 19

Maillot avec l'autographe authentique du pilote

porté sous les couleurs du Sherco pour la saison 2021 du championnat de France d'enduro. Il aura plus de 20 titres de Champion du Monde et de Champion...
Lot 21

Planche de skate avec l'autographe authentique du skateur

utilisée lors d'une exhibition sur l'hubba de Mongallet à Paris. Il sera plusieurs fois Champion de France et terminera quatrième aux Jeux olympiques...
Lot 22

Polo officiel de l'équipe de France 2018

offert par la médaillée d'argent et de bronze de Snowboard Cross aux jeux olympiques d'hiver de Sotchi en 2014 et de Pékin en 2022. Marque Lacoste...
Lot 23

Plaque publicitaire en métal avec l'autographe authentique du coureur

Champion du Monde du contre-la-montre 1997 et vainqueur du Tour d'Espagne 1995. Dimensions 30 x 20 cm.
Lot 24

Polo avec l'autographe authentique de la joueuse de pétanque

porté lors de la finale PPF 2021 de Fréjus. Elle sera 3 fois Championne du Monde de précision en 2006, 2008 et 2009, 9 fois Championne d'Europe et 17...
Lot 25

Polo avec l'autographe authentique du pétanqueur

porté lors de la finale PPF 2021 de Fréjus. Il est Champion du Monde en Triplette Junior 2019 au Cambodge et Champion d'Europe en Triplette Espoir...
Lot 26

Casquette avec les autographes authentiques des biathlètes françaises

pour la saison 2020 dont, Julia SIMON, Chloé CHEVALIER, Anaïs BESCOND, Justine BRAISAZ…
Lot 27
Polo de l'Équipe de France avec l'autographe authentique de la snowboardeuse, médaillée d'or aux Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse à Lillehammer en 2016...
Lot 28

Dossard avec l'autographe authentique du skieur

porté lors d'une manche de coupe du monde en 2022. Il sera médaille d'argent aux Jeux Olympiques de Pyeongchang 2018 dans l'épreuve de skicross. On y...
Lot 30

Short de l'équipe de France avec l'autographe authentique de la joueuse pour la saison 2022-2023.

Elle sera Championne de France 2021 avec Basket Landes et médaille d'or au Championnat du Monde 2019 et à la Coupe du Monde 2022 de basket-ball 3X3...
Lot 31

Dossard avec l'autographe authentique de la skieuse Suisse

porté lors d'une manche de coupe du monde de à Val Thorens. Elle est Championne de Suisse de Ski Cross en 2023 à St Moritz.
Lot 32

Veste sans manche avec l'autographe authentique du coureur

portée avec l'équipe professionnelle Cofidis lors de la saison 2021. Il terminera 8ème en 2021 et 10ème en 2023 sur le Tour de France. On y joint...
Lot 33

Gant avec autographe authentique du champion du monde de MMA avec l'UFC.

Il vient de combattre face à Tyson Fury pour son premier combat en boxe anglaise et est battu de justesse sur décision des arbitres. Autographe...
Lot 34

Maillot avec l'autographe de Marc LIEVREMONT,

ancien joueur et entraineur de l'équipe de France de Rugby. Maillot réplica avec N°25 pour la saison 2021-2022. Marque Adidas. Taille L. Fabriqué en...
Lot 35

Parka d'échauffement porté par le rugbyman avec le Stade Toulousain.

Il est Champion de France 2019 et 2021 et vainqueur de la Coupe d'Europe en 2021 avec le club. Marque Nike. Taille XXL. On y joint également un casque...
Lot 36

Maillot du joueur sous les couleurs du RC Narbonne pour la saison 2004-2005 du championnat de France de TOP 16.

Il sera Champion de France 1997 avec le Stade Toulousain. Marque Adidas. Taille XL. Offert par Max Guazzini.

Sale information

The ACADIA association - assistance dogs for young diabetics - is organizing its next SPORTIVE & CHARITABLE auction! On the initiative of Sylvain Plagiau, father of Romain, Naya's young DT1 beneficiary, and with the support of the town of Boulogne Billancourt, the Rotary Club of Porte Orléans Vallée de l'Orges, and the Boulogne Billancourt Round Table, ACADIA is organizing its second auction with MILLON - sporting goods to benefit young type 1 diabetics and assistance dogs. Assistance dogs can detect variations in blood sugar levels and sound the alarm before a crisis occurs. Thanks to their guardian angel, young diabetics regain their security, autonomy and carefree spirit. Top athletes and children with diabetes are people who persevere in their daily activities and diets, with all the constraints and demands that entails. This proximity led us to dream up and implement an event to publicize our action and train the next ACADIA assistance dogs for young diabetics. During this extraordinary evening, ACADIA will be auctioning prestigious lots, including an exceptional gorilla sculpture by renowned artist Eddy Maniez, the man with 3 billion pimples. This artistic masterpiece also bears the signature of Antoine Dupont, captain of the French national rugby team, who is lending his unconditional support to our noble cause. More than forty renowned athletes have pledged their support for ACADIA with this charity auction, including Tony Parker, Novak Djokovic, Laurent Jalabert, Romain Mayet, Alain Bernard, Eugenie Lesommer, Alizée Agier and many others. Their generosity demonstrates the importance of our mission and their commitment to improving the quality of life of young diabetics. Together we go further!

Terms of sale

All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the ACADIA association, which helps young diabetics. Given the charitable nature of this sale, no additional fees will be charged. How does the auction work? Anyone can attend the auction, either on site (Soirée solidaire avec ACADIA et les sportifs: to take part in the auction in person, register via : ), or by registering in advance to follow the auction and bid live via the internet platforms drouotlive or interencheres-live. From the first bid, the auctioneer registers any higher bids, and awards the lot to the highest bidder. To bid during the sale, a hand gesture in person or a click via the "live" platforms to the auctioneer's attention indicates the bid, in which case the amount of the bid is left to the auctioneer's discretion. To place a bid for a specific amount, it is advisable to announce the amount aloud or to type it in via the live platforms. The auctioneer takes all bidders into account, whether they are present in the room, participating via internet platforms or by telephone. The blow of the hammer and the pronouncement "adjugé" transfer ownership of the item to the last bidder. After payment to the Société de Ventes Volontaires, the bidder may take possession of his purchase. How can I take part? There are four ways to bid at MILLON: - Bid in person to live the auction experience on the day and at the time the auction begins. - Bid in real time and remotely via or by registering as soon as the sale is published on these sites and until 8pm on the day of the sale. - Bid by purchase order before the sale, indicating the maximum bid amounts for each lot selected. - Bid by telephone by ticking the corresponding box in the bidding order and specifying the lots concerned. How do I pay? Payment is by cash, cheque, credit card or bank transfer. At the time of payment, the purchaser is given a paid purchase slip, enabling him or her to collect the lots purchased. Cash payments are authorized up to a maximum of €1,000 for private or professional buyers resident in France and for professional buyers resident abroad; for private buyers not resident in France, the maximum amount is €15,000, upon presentation of proof. In the case of payment by cheque, the purchase can only be collected once the cheque has been cashed, or on presentation of guarantees provided by the buyer. The general conditions of sale and all related matters are governed solely by French law. The purchasers or their agents accept that any legal action falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts (Paris). The various provisions of the general terms and conditions of sale are independent of each other. The invalidity of any one of these provisions shall not affect the applicability of the others. By participating in this public auction, all buyers or their representatives accept and adhere to all the conditions set out below. The sale is made in cash and conducted in euros. A currency conversion system may be set up at the time of the sale. The counter-values in foreign currencies of bids placed in the auction room in euros are provided for information only. DEFINITIONS AND GUARANTEES The information given in the catalog is drawn up by ACADIA assistée Jean-Marc Leynet, subject to rectifications, notifications and declarations announced at the time of presentation of the lot and recorded in the minutes of the sale. Dimensions, colors of reproductions and information on the condition of the object are provided for information only. All indications of any incident, accident, restoration or conservatory measure affecting a lot are communicated in order to facilitate its inspection by the potential buyer, and remain subject to the latter's entire appreciation. This means that all lots are sold in the condition in which they were at the precise moment of their adjudication, with all possible defects and imperfections. No claims will be accepted once the lots have been sold, as a prior exhibition will have enabled the purchasers to examine the works presented. In the event of a dispute at the time of adjudication, i.e. if it is established that two or more bidders have simultaneously made an equivalent bid, either aloud or by sign, and claim the lot at the same time after the word "adjudicated" has been pronounced, the said lot will be reoffered for sale at the price proposed by the bidders, and all members of the public present will be admitted to bid again. TELEPHONE BIDDING The acceptance and execution of telephone bids is a free service provided by Millon. As such, Millon will not assume any responsibility if the telephone connection is interrupted, not established or late. Although Millon is prepared to accept telephone order requests up to the end of show hours at the latest, it will not assume any liability for non-fulfilment due to errors or omissions in connection with telephone orders. COSTS TO BE BORNE BY THE BUYER Given the charitable nature of this sale, no fees will be charged in addition to the auction price. LEAVING FRENCH TERRITORY The departure of a lot from France may be subject to administrative authorization. Obtaining the relevant document is the sole responsibility of the buyer of the lot concerned by this provision. Delay or refusal by the authorities to issue exit documents will not justify cancellation of the sale, delay in payment or rescission. If our company is requested by the purchaser or his representative to make these exit requests, all costs incurred will be at the purchaser's expense. This operation will only be a service rendered by Millon. PRE-EMPTION BY THE FRENCH STATE In certain cases defined by law, the French State has the right to pre-empt works sold at public auction. In such cases, the French State takes the place of the last bidder, provided that the declaration of pre-emption made by the State's representative in the auction room is confirmed within fifteen days of the sale. Millon cannot be held responsible for any pre-emptive decisions made by the French government. RESPONSIBILITY OF BIDDERS By bidding on a lot by any of the means of transmission proposed by Millon, bidders assume personal responsibility for paying the hammer price of that lot. Bidders are deemed to be acting in their own name and on their own behalf, unless otherwise agreed in writing with Millon prior to the sale. In the event of a dispute on the part of a third party, Millon may hold the bidder solely responsible for the bid in question and its settlement. COLLECTION OF PURCHASES, INSURANCE, STORAGE AND TRANSPORT Millon will only hand over the lots sold to the successful bidder once the full price has been received. It is the purchaser's responsibility to insure the lots as soon as they are sold, since from that moment on, the risks of loss, theft, damage or other are the purchaser's sole responsibility. Millon and the ACADIA association accept no liability for damage to the lots or for the buyer's failure to insure against such damage. Buyers are advised to collect their lots promptly. WITHDRAWAL OF PURCHASES After payment has been received, buyers may collect their lots free of charge: - either on the day of the sale, after the end of bidding, subject to immediate payment, on site, by credit card or in cash. - by appointment ( at Millon (19, rue de la Grange-Batelière 75009 Paris). Lots will be delivered to the buyer in person or to a third party designated by the buyer and to whom he/she has given a power of attorney, accompanied by a copy of his/her identity card. Once the lot has been sold, the buyer takes full responsibility for it. MILLON and the ACADIA association decline all responsibility for any damage the object may suffer, and this as soon as the adjudication has been pronounced. SHIPMENT OF PURCHASES We inform our customers that MILLON and the association ACADIA do not accept responsibility for the shipment of works. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The sale of a lot does not imply the transfer of reproduction or representation rights of which it may constitute the material support. PAYMENT OF THE TOTAL PRICE Millon specifies and reminds you that the sale by public auction is for cash, and that the successful bidder must immediately pay the full price of his purchase, regardless of whether he wishes to remove his lot from French territory (see "Removal from French territory"). Payment may be made as follows - in cash up to a maximum of 1,000 euros (French residents) - by bank or postal cheque, with proof of identity required - by Visa or Master Card - by bank transfer in euros to the following address: DOMICILIATION: NEUFLIZE OBC 3, avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris IBAN FR76 3078 8009 0002 0609 7000 469 BIC NSMBFRPPXXX

Our auctioneer

nathalie mangeot - Commissaire priseur

Nathalie MANGEOT


Our sales manager

Nathalie MANGEOT

Nathalie MANGEOT


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