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Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage

Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage--img1
Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage--img2
Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage--img3
Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage--img1
Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage--img2
Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage--img3
  • Description

Bibliophily - Law on the manufacture of new silver coinage

Law relating to the manufacture of a new silver coin, in pieces of thirty cents and fifteen cents. Given in Paris, January 19, 1791. 4 pages in 4°. Fine cartouche on header, a little faded. On last page, stamp in red ink: Roi couronné, par 2 anges... Loi relative aux assignats de cinquante livres. Donnée à Paris, le 19 janvier 1791. 4 pages in 4°. In the header, a beautiful cartouche with the royal coat of arms. On last page, stamp in red ink: Roi couronné par 2 anges. Loi relative à la circulation des petits assignats Given in Paris, January 23, 1791. 4 pages in 4°. On the front of the first page, headed by five fleurs-de-lis. On last page, stamp in red ink: Roi couronné par 2 anges. Law providing that the Administration of the Treasury will be entrusted to a Treasury Committee, composed of six commissioners appointed by the King. Given in Paris, March 30, 1791. 7 pages in 4°. Beautiful cartouche with the royal coat of arms on the front of the first page. Loi relative à la nouvelle organisation du Trésor Public, Donné à Paris, le 30 mars 1791. 4 pages in 4°. Nice cartouche with the royal coat of arms on the front of the first page. Decree of the National Assembly, June 24, 1791. 4 pages in 4°. "The National Assembly decrees that from this day on, no payment will be made (...) to any Frenchman with a salary, pension or claim unless he presents himself in person. Law relating to assignats suspected of forgery. Donnée à Paris, le premier aout 1791. 4 pages in 4°. Cartouche header. Loi relative à la fabrication du papier destiné pour les assignats de cinq livres. Donné à Paris, le premier aout 1791. 3 pages in 4°. At the top, a beautiful cartouche with the royal coat of arms. Law increasing the number of assignats in circulation by fifty million. Given in Paris, April 4, 1792. 3 pages in 4°. On last page, stamp in red ink: Roi couronné par 2 anges. Loi relative aux assignats de dix livres, de cinquante sous, de vingt cinq sous, de quinze et de dix sous. Donnée à Paris, le 4 avril 1792. 8 pages in 4°; handsome royal cartouche on header. On last page, stamp in red ink: Roi couronné par 2 anges. Law relating to assignats of twenty-five pounds Donnée à Paris, le 15 avril 1792. 2 pages in 4°. Cartouche at head. On last page, stamp in red ink: King crowned by 2 angels. Loi concernant le compte à rendre à la Convention nationale, de la situation de toutes les opérations relatives à la fabrication des assignats. September 8, 1792, the fourth year of Liberty. 4 pages in 4°. Revolutionary cartouche (Phrygian cap) on header. Decree of the National Convention of the 20th day of Pluviôse, second year of the French Republic, which orders the conversion of several kinds of assignats, previously decreed, into assignats of 125 and 250 livres. 3 pages in 4°. On last page, stamp in red ink: King crowned by 2 angels. Décret de la Convention nationale du 26° jour de Pluviôse, an second de la République française sur l'organisation et l'administration des Monnaies. 36 pages in 4° External seams.

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