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Collector's interior

Thu 25 Jan13H00


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237 results
Lot 265
Ensemble de mobilier en bois exotique comprenant une petite table, composée d’un plateau circulaire en marbre, la ceinture à décor de branches de...
Lot 267
Panneau en bois et marqueterie de nacre à décor de vases et inscriptions incisées. 55,5 x 140 cm (Manques et usures)
Lot 275
Sujet en grès émaillé polychrome figurant Hotei debout tenant son sac de richesses. H. : 24,5 cm (Légers éclats).
Lot 277
Fin tapis Ghoum en soie Iran Époque du Shah Vers 1960 Dim.: 167 x 108 cm Velours de soie sur fondations en soie Densité: env. 10.000 nœuds au dm2...
Lot 278
Fin tapis Ghoum en soie Iran Vers 1970 Dim.: 185 x 128 cm Velours de soie sur fondations en soie Densité: env. 10000 nœuds au dm2 (Tapis nécessitant...
Lot 279
Fin tapis Tabriz Nord Ouest de l'Iran Vers 1960 Dim.: 210 x 139 cm Velours de laine soyeuse d'agneau de qualité sur fondations en coton (Légers...
Lot 280
Fin tapis Ghoum en soie Iran Époque du Shah Vers 1960/65 Dim.: 163 x 110 cm Velours de soie sur fondations en soie Densité: env. 10000 nœuds au dm2...
Lot 281
Tapis Ardebil Nord Ouest de l Iran Région de Tabriz Vers 1965/70 Dim.: 206 x 135 cm Velours de laine sur fondations en coton. Champ rubis à décor...
Lot 282
Inde Vers 1975 Dim.: 134 x 073 cm Velours de soie sur fondations en coton. Champ rose saumoné à décor d un très large médaillon central hexagonal...

Sale information

Furniture, objets d'art, paintings, Southern painters and artists' studios, Asian art, carpets, photographs, contemporary art... The "Collector's Interior" sale will satisfy all collectors, amateur or professional, with affordable objects and works of art.


Millon Riviera, 51 rue Beaumont, 06300 Nice Monday January 22, Tuesday January 23 and Wednesday January 24, from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

Terms of sale

These terms and conditions and all related matters are governed solely by French law. Purchasers or their agents agree that any legal action shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts (Paris). The various provisions of the general terms and conditions of sale are independent of each other. The nullity of any one of these provisions does not affect the applicability of the others. By participating in this public auction, all buyers or their representatives accept and adhere to all the conditions set out below. The sale is made in cash (Art. 1650 of the French Civil Code) and conducted in euros. A currency conversion system may be set up at the time of sale. The counter-values in foreign currencies of bids placed in the room in euros are provided for information only. DEFINITIONS AND GUARANTEES The information given in the catalog is drawn up by MILLON RIVIERA and the independent experts mentioned in the catalog, subject to the rectifications, notifications and declarations announced at the time of presentation of the lot and recorded in the sales report. The dimensions, colors of the reproductions and information on the condition of the object are provided for information only. All indications of any incident, accident, restoration or conservatory measure affecting a lot are communicated in order to facilitate its inspection by the potential buyer, and remain subject to the latter's entire appreciation. This means that all lots are sold in the condition in which they were at the precise moment of their adjudication, with all possible defects and imperfections. No claims will be accepted once the lots have been sold, as a prior exhibition will have enabled buyers to examine the works presented. For lots with a low estimate in excess of 2,000 euros, a condition report on the state of conservation of the lots may be provided free of charge on request. The information contained therein is provided for information purposes only. MILLON RIVIERA and its experts cannot be held liable in any way whatsoever. In the event of a dispute at the time of the auction, i.e. if it is established that two or more bidders have simultaneously made an equivalent bid, either aloud or by sign, and claim the lot at the same time after the word "adjugé" has been pronounced, the said lot will be re-bid at the price proposed by the bidders, and all the public present will be admitted to bid again. Lots marked with ° contain ivory specimens of Elephantidae spp, prior to June 1, 1947, and therefore comply with art. 2/W mc of the rule of December 9, 1996. A CITES re-export permit will be required if the item is to be exported from the EU, at the expense of the future buyer. Lots preceded by a "J" will be subject to a judicial report at the legal buyer's expense of 12% ex VAT, i.e. 14.40% inc VAT. PURCHASE ORDERS AND TELEPHONE AUCTIONS MILLON RIVIERA does not charge for taking and executing purchase orders and telephone bids. MILLON RIVIERA will do its best to execute bids received in writing up to 2 hours before the sale. MILLION RIVIERA will not be held responsible for the non-execution of a bidding order or for any error or omission in the execution of such orders. Furthermore, MILLION RIVIERA cannot be held responsible for any interruption, non-establishment or delay of the telephone connection in the case of telephone auctions. Although MILLION RIVIERA is prepared to accept telephone order requests up to the end of the exhibition hours at the latest, it will not assume any liability for non-fulfilment due to errors or omissions in connection with telephone orders. 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DEFAULT OF PAYMENT In accordance with article 14 of law no. 2000-6421 of July 10, 2000, in the event of non-payment by the successful bidder, after unsuccessful formal notice, the property will be reoffered for sale at the seller's request on the basis of the unsuccessful bidder's irresponsible bidding; if the seller does not make this request within one month of the auction, the sale will be cancelled ipso jure, without prejudice to any damages due by the unsuccessful bidder. 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Dimensions, colours in reproductions and information on the condition of an object are given for information purposes only. All information relating to incidents, accidents, restoration and conservation measures relating to a lot is given, to facilitate inspection by the potential buyer and remains completely open to interpretation by the latter. This means that all lots are sold as seen at the moment the hammer falls, with any possible faults and imperfections. No claims will be accepted after the hammer has fallen, a pre-sale showing having provided potential buyers with an opportunity to examine the works presented. For lots appearing in the sale catalog, whose estimated low price is over 32,000, a condition report on their state of preservation will be issued free of charge upon request. The information contained therein is given purely as an indication and Millon Riviera and the Sale Experts can in no way be held liable for it. In the event of a dispute at the moment of sale, i.e. it is established that two or more buyers have simultaneously made an identical bid, either aloud or by signal and both claim the lot at the same time when the hammer falls, the lot will be resubmitted for auction at the price offered by the bidders and everyone present will be permitted to bid once again. Lots marked with ° contain specimens of ivory of Elephantidae, the specimens are dated prior to June1st, 1947 and therefore comply with the December 9th, 1996 rule in its art 2/W mc. For all exportation from the EU, a mandatory CITES form will be required. It is the responsibility of the future buyer to obtain this form. Lots preceded by a J will be the subject of a separate judicial legal record with the buyer's premium at 12%, or 14.14% including VAT (current rate of VAT 20%). TELEPHONE BIDDING The acceptance of telephone bids is a free of charge service provided by Millon Riviera. 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Bidders are deemed to act in their own name and on their own behalf, unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to the sale with Millon Riviera. In the event of a dispute involving a third party, Millon Riviera may hold the bidder alone responsiblefor the bid in question and for payment. FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT In accordance with article 14 of law no. 2000- 6421 of 10 July 2000, upon failure of the buyer to make payment and there being no response to formal notice, the article is re-submitted for sale at the request of the seller and by reason of false bidding by the defaulting buyer; if the seller does not make such a request within one month from the date of the sale, the sale is automatically void, without prejudice to any damages payable by the defaulting buyer. 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CPM acts as a processor as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016)." PURCHASES WITHDRAWALS Buyers can come and collect the adjudged lots, free of charge, from 7pm on the evening of the sale, until 10 am the next morning. The lots which have not been withdrawn and which do not figure on the detailed list hereafter*, will have to be collected once the payment has been cashed at the Hotel Drouot the day following the auction sale.The lots will be delivered to the buyer in person or to a third party designed by him and to whom he will have given a proxy and a copy of his identity card. The exportation formalities (demands ofcertificates for a cultural good, exportation license) of the subjected lots are the buyer's responsibility and can require a delay from 2 to 3 months. It is recommended to the successful tenderers to proceed to a removal of their lots in the best delays as to avoid storing fees which are at their charge and run from the day following the sale. The storage does not entrain the expert's nor the auctioneer's responsibility in any way whatsoever. Once the auction is done, the object will be under the entire responsibility of the adjudicator. The S.A.S MILLION RIVIERA does not accept any responsibility for the damages which the object can undergo, and thus as soon as the auction is pronounced. The purchases benefit from a storage gratuity during 4 weeks following the sale. Past this delay, destocking, handling and availability fees will be invoiced during the withdrawal of the lots, according to the following rate grid: - Storage: 9 € HT per lot per week the first years 18 € HT per lot per week beyond the first year No shipping or removal of the lot will be possible without the complete settlement of the diposal and storage cost. 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